About seven years ago I became a licensed massage therapist. Back then there weren't a lot of spas in Portland and I had a difficult time finding a job in the spas that did exist then. So I leased a room in a neighborhood hair salon and began my private practice as an LMT. By nature I'm a crappy business person. I'm emotional, insecure and afraid of most challenges and so although I maintained my practice for 3 years, I hated every minute of it. This is when I started cartooning. Being able to draw out the uncomfortable moments in my life gave me (and still does give me) some sort of relief. I found this old comic tucked away in my desk drawers. I thought I would add it to my blog, even though it's about 6 years old.
I'm working on a monster of a comic strip right now. It's a 20-frame story and it's taking me eons to draw. So in lieu of this week's exciting tale, I'm posting some drawings of clients I had on a busy day at the spa.