Friday, March 6, 2009

I must have offended you.

The last frame of my last post was a drawing of a boob. a cartoon boob. Since somebody flagged the image as inappropriate, the image was removed and now the story has no punch line. So for those of you who didn't get to read my last post, you'll have to imagine a drawing of a boob and the caption was "The Real Thing."
Thanks to that special someone who finds nursing offensive.


LeLo said...

You're kidding, right? Because that's really funny. As in really stoooopid funny. I loved it. Stoopid people.

IB said...

You should not let the narrow minded ruin your work. If they don't like it, they can f-off. I thought it was a hoot(er).


Raymond Betancourt said...

I have to agree with the previous comments, my first reaction was you've got to be kidding!

By the way, I noticed this seems to be a photobucket issue, is there any chance you can upload the 'offending' image through blogger?

Malady said...

Thanks, guys.
I guess I could try uploading the image through blogger but I'm afraid it'll just happen again and I'd have to feel the sting of rejection again.

2 kids...3 martinis said...

Just don't ever stop what you do. I love you just the way you are...boob and all!!

T and J said...

A boob is offensive?

Then why did nature make it so females can feed their young that way?

H said...


Unknown said...

This is just nuts - I vote for an entire strip of boobie cartoons.

The McAuleys said...

I was looking for a reason to wean E. now that she's getting close to 1. Guess I found it--too offensive! Really. That's just ridiculous.

ivy said...

This has caused an acute flare-up of my righteous indignation. As if it's not stressful enough to raise a kid these days, momma can't even blow off steam with a little breastfeeding joke? Makes me wanna squirt milk on somebody!

eYuni said...

Well...the Censored version made it back...
Tho it is totally not, but there are people who will take an image and totally spooze all over it.

Maybe there should be pasties and it should be in a shape of bottle nipples. said...

Don't you love those offended by such things. Someone flagged the most adorable pic of my grandson on my daughter's blog b/c his diaper was falling off in the back and a butt cheek showed. It was the most adorable pic b/c other than the diaper falling off all he had on was a ball cap and cowboy boots... it was just TOO cute. The things that SHOULD be removed seem to stay there.

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