Friday, July 24, 2009

Today I drew myself as Lakshmi. No real reason why...


Ruchi said...

That's my mum's name, and thats actually how she looks too, well, except the crown, jewels and the money flowing from her hands!! :)
Loved it!!

Malady said...

Ha! I'm glad you liked it. I have a big brass statue of Lakshmi in my living room and I just love her. Thanks for commenting!

Mademoiselle Julie said...

In real life I'd like to have 4 arms + to manage all my tasks! Cute drawing! Cheers, Julie

Captain Dumbass said...

I love this pic! My wife and I have been scrolling through your older stuff and having a good laugh. Er, kinda at your expense, I guess. Sorry.

cheatymoon said...

Oh, that's awesome!!

Susan English Mason said...

This is my fave.

anon said...

My "guru" actually posed as Laxmi for real and they sell the photos of them for years!! The thing is, everyone (does, or used to) take her/it seriously!


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