Sunday, August 9, 2009

no, I don't work for a brewery. In fact, I don't HAVE a job, remember?


darsden said...

rotflmfao you are hilarious

Captain Dumbass said...

Is that a real beer? Chocolate? Mmm. Just needs a little bacon and it would be perfect.

Malady said...

thanks, Darsden. I'm not sure what rotflmfao is, but thanks just the same.

Captain Dumbass, you bet your ass it's a real beer. It's my faaaaaavorite beer in the whole world. : )

darsden said...

sorry that is rolling on the floor laughing my fat ass off ;-)

lynn'sgarden said...

No, Malady, you HAVE a job~the hardest one, in fact! Where can I find this chocolate brew...gotta try it!

Ann Imig said...

All I'm ever going to say is I love your blog.


Kabbalah Rookie said...

I am hankering after a beer. And I don't drink even like beer. My, you are so good at being influential and persuasive!

H said...

hell effin yes i want a beer! i want a beer REAL bad lady!

SavvyD said...

Yes, but I was an easy sell!!

SavvyD said...

Very funnnnnny!

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious said...

lol.. that was funny..!! :D

Beth said...

Is it wrong to want a beer for breakfast now?

Anonymous said...

Beer, breakfast of champions! Try it on your cornflakes.


Unknown said...

All the vitamins and minerals of bread without that pesky chewing....

And chocolate...mmmmm..

Peace - Rene

IB said...

It's a little early for me (yes, I do have limits) still, I'm bringing a sixer of Black Butte Porter home after work- I'm SOLD!

Everyday Goddess said...

Eating dinner is over rated. Drinking dinner on the other hand...

Anonymous said...

It worked Malady! I'm sold and will now have a beer!!

♥ Braja said...

No, I don't wanna beer.

But can I get a porter with a black butt?

Mademoiselle Julie said...

Funny! I happen to stop & laugh @ America's Next Top Model last night... Honestly, I think any media-related job got to be hard. Could you imagine having to smile & be perky on command all the time? I am way too rebellious; you want me to do what now?! I don't think so. I rather hide behind my desk @ work & get to browse blogs like yours! HA! Cheers, Julie

GIANTS FAN said...

This is a great site that you have here. I have a humor blog myself and I would like to exchange links with you. Let me know if this is possible. Jason

Anthony said...

Shame I don't drink right now. I would have some chocolate if I wasn't off sugar as well.

WrightStuff said...

Hehe. I used to have a job in a brewery so this made me chuckle!

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