Tuesday, December 15, 2009

but i love him anyway.


J.J. in L.A. said...

Haha! That's why I text my man to shave before he comes over. He always calls and says, "Already done." I'm just waiting for the day when my text actually reminds him.

The Retired One said...

Too funny! Hairy men are virile you know!!

Brian Miller said...


lynn'sgarden said...

Some men can barely grow peach fuzz...I love me a man who can grow a full beard by the end of the hour! Lucky you!

2 kids...3 martinis said...


H said...

heh heh heh

Captain Dumbass said...

Hey! I've got that hair too, just not the cool goatee.

IB said...

Hilarious! I am most impressed with the eyebrow(s).

Everyday Goddess said...

They do seem to morph before our very eyes.
Great capturing!

Jessica said...

Wonderful as always!! Hope you & yours had a wonderful holiday season:) (And that the hubs got an amazing razor for Christmas:))

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