Wednesday, April 27, 2011

excuses, excuses....

Sorry to be a total drag, but i just don't have time to blog right now. I picked up another job which means I'm doing like a MILLION massages a week AND I have an art show in July. (and I have to be a mom and a wife.)
So PLEASE don't forget about me. I'll be back soon. I just have to crank out a bunch of new illustrations for this show and then I will return with renewed vigor!

Thanks, Y'all. You can always follow me on Twitter, but to be honest I'm a shitty tweeter.



Unknown said...

Best of luck with everything! Look forward to reading you when you get back!

Unknown said...

I'm the shittiest twitterer
I'll have a shitty twitter tweet off with you anyday, Missy :)

Irish Gumbo said...

Do what you need to do, dahlin'. We understand, and best of luck (and some strength!) in the meantime!

Captain Dumbass said...

Save some strength in those fingers.

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Everything you do, artwise (I couldn't know about anything else, but I'm sure) is worth waiting for!

IT (aka Ivan Toblog) said...

There's a bird in the tree in my front yard who's a shitty tweeter. I'm really tired of washing that crap off the car.

Malady said...

Thanks, everybody!

wonderchris said...

I was going to suggest slacking on your wife/mom duties, but that would be wrong. I'm patient. Glad things are rockin' in your world. Look forward to seeing new posts when you get some time. :)

Casey Freeland said...

Well, there are plenty of shitty tweeters in this world. I'm probably one of them as well. I'll hang in there, I suppose. Although I have to say when I saw your post notification, it was a total tease that there was no comic attached to it.

Hang in there. We'll wait.



Anonymous said...

Yes! i wish You Will Come Back Soon! My prayers are always With You!
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Unknown said...

this comic reminded me of you. mainly cuz of the pic in the last panel.

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